Timeline of when the flooding will occur in Fort Smith, Van Buren, Ozark

*SUNDAY A.M. FLOODING UPDATE* -NOAA now says Arkansas River in the Fort Smith/Van Buren area is expected to crest at 42.5’ early Tue. (that’s up from 41’). Currently, it's at 37.76’ (11am local time this Sunday morning). We are already more than 6 3/4’ above "major" flood stage.

FORT SMITH/VAN BUREN: The NWS says the Arkansas River will surpass the 1990 crest of 36.10' at some point this afternoon. And then late this evening - we'll hit the all-time record set back in 1945. We're still on track for a 2019 Flood crest of 41.0' by Monday morning.

OZARK: By early Sunday morning, we'll surpass the 370.0' crest during the 1990 Flood. The river is forecast to stay below the all-time record of 375.50' set in 1943. While that's some good news, there is still damaging flooding taking place.

  1. Stay aware of conditions in your area.
  2. Heed all evacuation orders & road closures.

Several roads in Fort Smith and Van Buren have been closed because of high water.

To get a better idea on whether or not your home will flood, 40/29 News has a map of where the worst flooding may occur. You can see it here.

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