New Christmas Tree Trend: Stringing Lights Vertically?

There's a new trend for lighting your Christmas tree by stringing them up and down instead of wrapping the lights around the tree in a spiral. TikTok user Clare Hooper originally posted a video that shows stringing Christmas lights vertically (what she calls the zig zag method) with the claim that it's much easier to put the lights on and take them back down. According to the video, you also need fewer lights (especially if you're not lighting the back of the tree) and that the tree appears to be brighter!

Since the original video, Liz Lovery gave it a try to show off how well it works and her video has gotten nearly 12M views in just over a week! Check them out below and if you use the method, let me know what you think in the comments at the bottom of the page!

And this video is the original from Clare Hooper that caused the viral sensation in the first place. Since the video was first posted, it's racked up over 2.3 million views in just a couple of weeks! 🎄🎄🎄

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