Hotel cleaning staff were asked to share the weirdest things left behind by guests... and oh, are they talking about these things!
From Reddit and other places on the #InternetOfThings:
• I once found an auto transmission in the bathtub of a room.
• My first day of work someone left a hatchet in the bathtub.
• Someone completely decorated the room with framed family pictures… and left them all there. I think their stay was only two days. They set some up on the furniture but also hung some on the walls.
• A live diamondback rattlesnake. We were located downtown, no way it just came in from outside. We found out a week later the guest was part of a snake handler church.
• By the tub: empty gallon jugs of milk next to empty containers of Quaker Oats.
Now, I know my daughter left a Nintendo Switch at a hotel, and we drove back up to get it on a random drive up and back one late morning/afternoon. Another friend of mine left her makeup/bathroom/overnight/powder room bag at the same hotel, and they FedEX'ed it back to her... What have you left behind in a HOTEL? Did you get it back? Was it embarrassing? Weird?
Remember... this is a judgement free zone, k??!