Accents are forming simply because of Bridgerton

Beep Boop Switcharoop!

Hashing it out for the first time in a WHILE

You Yuka, I Yuka, we ALL Yuka

Vroom Vroom, it's Thursday!

Tire Talk, rev up your engines! It's Thursday! GUESS WHAT, that means it's time for WAR of the ROSES! First though, hear from Payton - THE TORTOISE EXPERT! Then, Landon has opinions on lab grown diamonds? How do you feel? Then we asked you to share with us times you have NOPED OUT OF A RELATIONSHIP. And poor Irene, she caught a cheater but she's GOOD, SHE FINE! Lots of fun stories today on the Johnjay & Rich NOT SO BUMMER SUMMER 

You Noped out! It's okay.

Irene is in good spirits, you know... considering...

Play fetch with him Payton!

Let's take a trip to... POUND TOWN?!?

Good Morning, it's WEDNESDAY! Kicking it off strong with Johnjay's embarassing Over Easy story and then a MILLION DOLLAR Payton's Predictions to tell you how the day is going to go. Then, just when you think it couldn't get any better, tea on KEMP and ETHAN? Plus, it's a smaaaaalllll world for Blake and someone in this building. Hopefully she has some air freshener after that TOOT. All of this and more today on Johnjay & Rich!

That's my best friend, DAD